Monday, June 4, 2012


APRIL  2024.  Not complete to be edited. Before  my approach to The RCMP  and or CSIS Repeats a bit. April 2024 I start the exposure on this. Who ever wrote this document as in MY FORENSIC Psychiatric Medical/Criminal Report should turn themselves in to the Criminal Justice System.
If it is to stand as TRUTH then CUPE National with UBC Hierarchy are then accountable. They have to justify WHY there was an assignment given to have me Committed under The Mental Health Act.  They have to justify why they BLOCKED a life determining medical procedure from being carried out. If what is documented is TRUE... Attempted Murder of a very seriously Mentally Ill UBC Employee / CUPE Union Member may have to be addressed. 

From DECEMBER 2019 the story changes , with IMPOSTER and IDENTITY FRAUD.

A Forensic Psychiatric Medical / Criminal Report where the incarceration or institutionalizing is expected for a Citizen Of Canada has to be one of the most prestigious reports in the land. It falls under the Jurisdiction of both Canadian Medical and Judicial System. Once Complete it is filed under BOTH the Medical System and the RCMP / CSIS System. ALL Content remains on record for LIFE. Any illness Mental or Health wise becomes HERIDITARY and can be used against family lineage for ETERNITY. 

In such a Prestigious Court Regulated Report. 

The Forensic Psychiatric Medical / Criminal Report issued to me by The CUPE National and from The UBC Presidents Office has all of the above. Well IMPOSTER if Dr. Zoffmann performed this Forensic Psychiatric Medical/ Criminal Evaluation on ME on May 25, 2001 she should today in 2024 be 75 to 80 years old.

When I was told I had to attend this thought Anger Management Consultation with Dr. Zoffmann the date was Mid April 2001, the date given May 25, 2001. Dr. Elizabeth Zoffmann SWORE in an Affidavit I believe May 2009 that her CLIENT first contacted her on May 18, 2001. Yet in the TWO differently formatted versions of the Forensic Report she attests that she alledgedly states she performed MY Forensic Psychiatric Medical / Criminal Evaluation on SUNDAY MARCH 25, 2001. This on a MR. STEWARD where this guy Steward mentioned way more than me.

If my IMPOSTER theory proves TRUE , Possibly Zoffmann didn't even know she was being IMPERSONATED. Maybe she just realized after The CUPE National's Dianne Jolly issued the FIRST Version, which was a certain FORGERY on December 8,2006. 

Below violates the Law for a Forensic Psychiatric Medical / Criminal Report on a Canadian Citizen. 

I was FORBIDDEN any Co Worker or family Witnesses in my defense, it would be documented that an assignment was given to see if I meet the criteria for certification under the Mental Health Act. The ASSIGNMENT by The CUPE National. 

BIAS. A UBC Employee evaluating a UBC Employee. UBCs Dr. Elizabeth Zoffmann forensically evaluating UBCs John Stewart, she states she is NOT Permitted by the Employer to interview Co Workers. ALL content from oppressors allowed, as in from my CUPE Local 116 Executive. There is evidence of a CUPE National assignment to have me Committed under The Mental Health Act. An Empathic Apology for failure is identified... the Apology is PROOF of BIAS.

At the time the Assignment was given I had a grievance against CUPE at the Labour Relations Board. For CUPE to destroy my chance of winning this was part of the strategy used. 

Why would there be an ASSINGMENT to have me Committed under The Mental Health Act? A bit Overboard for 1 Rude E-Mail where Zoffmann documents as all there was. 

ERROR. My NAME is spelled wrong 4 times and the DATE of the evaluation is WRONG...and more. Dr. Zoffmann attests she performed the Evauation on ME (John Stewart) or a John Steward on Sunday March 25, 2001

OMMISIONS AND ADITIONS. There is visible editing OUT, opening the door for editing IN. As in the 2001 document has 2006 content...and content pertaining to FIRE ARMS which repeats 3 times ... The DIAGNOSIS as in Axis 1V and Axis V which is the GAF Score is EDITED OUT . For a Canadian Citizen who has been documented Borderline Insane and as a potential threat to society, the GAF Score  would be the most important part of the Forensic Report. As in the very FIRST part a cross examining medical or criminal investigator would look at. On that count alone the Forensic Medical / Criminal Report should be NULL and VOID.

DUPLICATIONS... There is TWO differently formatted and fonted versions meaning the Client has my Forensic Psychiatric Medical / Criminal Report on an Electronic Format. MEANING the NON MEDICAL CLIENT has the capability of writing up my Forensic Psychiatric Medical / Criminal Report way the Client DECIDES. With the BIAS as in the Forensic Psychiatrist is employed by the same company has to fall in line.

FORGERY...With two differently Formatted Versions at least ONE version is a FORGERY. So FORGERY Exists. 

IDENTITY FRAUD... NON MEDICAL IMPOSTER... On May 25 2001 I sat in front of a lady I would guess 55 to 60 years of age. A real sharply dressed lady, very stern never once smiled. On December 2019 I found a long searched for photo of Dr. Elizabeth Zoffmann. She should have been near 75 or even pushing 80. The lady in the Photo in December 2019 looked like she was in her mid 50s. This would put her in her late 20s early 30s in 2001. NO WAY. 

I had deducted with ZERO UBC/ HR or UBC Hierarchy on board, that if there was an assignment to have me Committed under The Mental Health Act it had to come from Judy Darcy. I found a Photo of Judy Darcy from 2000, I would say it was her who performed this Forensic Psychiatric Evaluation, which would be the Criminal Act of IDENTITY THEFT. 

This is a document whereby a UBC Forensic Psychiatrist Dr. Elizabeth Zoffmann discussed in just about every page about DELUSION. From my Submission I describe how the CUPE Local 116 Executive were Concocting me with a Criminal History. All DELUSION says she. As in nobody is out to harm you says she. 

It is 100% clear in her document that she has accepted a challenge from her client ( The CUPE National) to see if I meet the criteria for certification under the Mental Health Act. She clearly apologizes for JUST FAILING. See page, paragraph on Second Version. Also Dr. Elizabeth Zoffmann recommends what would be considered a Life Determining Medical Procedure, which included a CT Scan of the Head / Brain. Dr. Zoffmann with her client The CUPE National decide to BLOCK this critical medical procedure from being carried out. Included in this BLOCKING of this critical medical procedure also has to be sanctioned by her Employer at the very upper levels. 

If this Forensic Psychiatric Medical/Criminal Report was TRUE this would be considered a bit more than harmful this would be Attempted Murder. 

My  BELIEF  is that what is my life long Forensic Psychiatric Medical / Criminal Record of which there is...
  • TWO Differently Formatted Versions, with omissions and obvious additions, as in the assignment to have me committed under the mental health act, and the apology for failure. 
  • The Date of Evaluation wrong, SUNDAY MARCH 25, 2001.
  • My name spelled wrong 4 times,
  • From the 2001 Evaluation, there is content from 2005 / 2006. My belief written in the latter half of 2006, with an EVIL plot.
  • Four times it repeats that weapons (FIRE ARMS)are suspected, to be proved by collateral means. (planned events yet to come beyond 2006). 
  • It even identifies my attempted murder, if it is not a FORGERY.  
  • After my THIRD Psychiatric Evaluation on June 04, 2009 I medically proved the FORGERY,  from the Differential Diagnosis Axis 1V and Axis V the GAF Score was MISSING. 

LINK πŸ‘‰UBC STEAM FITTER FIGHTS PUNITIVE PSYCHIARTY . There is also a link to the Financial motive for why The CUPE National, UBC/HR with help from the UBC Department Of Psychiatry and the British Columbia College Of Physicians and Surgeons gave me a life long FORGED Forensic Psychiatric Medical / Criminal Record. Why? LINK  πŸ‘‰THE UBC WHISTLE BLOWER
A Whistle Blower I was not, however the CUPE Local 116 Executive prior to my alleged Forensic Psychiatric Evaluation worked franticly to discredit me with workplace violence, they had done it with others. They had cleared out their CUPE Secretaries, one lady resisted her story in this LINK πŸ‘‰ The UBC CUPE Local 116 Secretary Scandal. CUPE Local 116 Executive concocts criminal evidence and charges CUPE Secretary via the Vancouver City Police. In late 2005 into early 2006 both this CUPE Secretary and I were working against CUPE Local 116 and The CUPE National trying to clear our names. In early 2006 this lady VANISHED... I sincerely hope she made it out, I almost didn't. From early 2006 the Punishment by Psychiatric means had intensified as I pushed for the TRUE document as written by Dr. Elizabeth Zoffmann which up until December 2019 I truly believed existed.    
Above Psychiatric Report supposedly as written by UBC Psychiatrist Dr. Alan Buchanan is likely another corrupted Report, as in another FORGERY. The CUPE National are totally in the clear on this one. They were NOT involved as I was REMOVED from CUPE a year earlier by The CUPE Nationals Diane Jolly. I was an 19 year CUPE Member and The CUPE National's Diane Jolly had severed my livelihood for my questioning the LOGIC on their issuing TWO Differently formatted versions of what was to be my life long Forensic Psychiatric Medical / Criminal Record. The TWO different formatted version issued and used as true by The CUPE Nationals Dianne Jolly, these allegedly both differently formatted versions written by Dr. Elizabeth Zoffmann. UBC / HR'S Lindi Frost the only person known by me that had access to Dr. Buchanan's Report. 

Way more important than the likelihood of UBC Dr. Buchanan's suspected altered document (FORGERY) is my life long Forensic Psychiatric Medical / Criminal Report,  supposedly as written by a TOP British Columbia FORENSIC Psychiatrist Dr. Elizabeth Zoffmann. 

Below is the actual FORGED Forensic Psychiatric Medical / Criminal Report, you will witness the TWO differently formatted versions of a FORGERY which is still being used against me today in 2023. The
Hereditary Factor is also being used today in 2023. I cannot detail this hereditary current happening for family privacy reasoning. 

However I can say this as FACT. In June 2017 this FORENSIC Psychiatric FORGERY again seriously took its toll on myself and family. In June 2019 I had to leave my employment as a Engineering Change Planner at a Vancouver Shipyard, as I could not pass a required for employment NATO Criminal Record Clearance. This was a job where financially I needed to keep for at least 2 more years.

TWO DIFFERENT FONTED FORMATS OF ANY LEGAL DOCUMENT  = FORGERY of at least ONE Version that was used against me as TRUE. A Criminal Act under Section 368 of the Criminal Code Of Canada. 

My LOGIC for the existence of TWO Versions, and for questioning this Logic, The CUPE National would terminate both my CUPE Membership and my livelihood. I had been an 19 year member.   
A. One version is the Original and One version is a FORGERY.
B. Both versions are FORGERIES.

These are the only two possible options, where FORGERY of at least one version must be seen by the British Columbia Criminal Justice system to certainly exist.
  •  (1) Everyone commits an offence who, knowing or believing that a document is forged,

    • (a) uses, deals with or acts on it as if it were genuine;

    • (b) causes or attempts to cause any person to use, deal with or act on it as if it were genuine;

    • (c) transfers, sells or offers to sell it or makes it available, to any person, knowing that or being reckless as to whether an offence will be committed under paragraph (a) or (b); or

    • (d) possesses it with intent to commit an offence under any of paragraphs (a) to (c).

  • Marginal note:Punishment

    (1.1) Everyone who commits an offence under subsection (1)

    • (a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years; or

    • (b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

  • Marginal note:

What we are dealing with is a FORGED Forensic Psychiatric Medical / Criminal Report which was used with venom by the CUPE National and UBC/ HR. A Forensic Psychiatric Medical / Criminal Report which one of the most Prestigious Court Regulated Documents in the land. No error, omissions or additions ALLOWED by LAW. 

Maximum penalties must now apply against these named individuals. 
1. The actual Forger, and those assisted in the Forgery. Names Unknown... well I was told it was UBC/ HR'S M Mc C, but not provable.
2. Provable however is those persons who knowingly USED The Forgery as true Psychiatric Medical and Criminal evidence to harm me as a Canadian Citizen. 
A. The CUPE Nationals Dianne Jolly. 
B. UBC/HR'S Lindi Frost. 
3. Those persons who fully supported the FORGERY known it to be so.
A. UBC Forensic Psychiatrist Dr.Elizabeth Zoffmann. Who supported all Medical and Criminal content in the two Versions, knowing both versions to be Forgeries.
B. Dr. Robert Vroom from The British Columbia College Of Physicians and Surgeons who fully supported all Medical and Criminal content in Version # 1.
C. UBC / HR'S Lindi Frost who used and supported all Medical and Criminal Content in two Versions knowing both versions to be Forgeries.
D. UBC Freedom Of Information Coordinator Christina Ulveteg, Issued Version #2 knowing it to be a Forgery.
E. UBC Psychiatrist Dr. Alan Buchanan fully supported and used ALL Medical and Content content in Version # 2 knowing fully it was a FORGERY.  Also denying the existence of Version # 1, with full knowledge that Version #1 existed.
F. Also my family Doctor fully supported Version 1 with full knowledge that it was a forgery...his name withheld for the present, but treated me as mentally ill... This Doctor in 2021 / 2022 would strike again, this by using the hereditary factor of serious mental illness on a family Member.
G. Possibly UBC/HR'S Michael Vizsolyi who's actions of covering up FORGERY to PROTECT Criminal Acts of the user's could in itself be considered criminal. 

Both Versions are very badly written FORGERIES and 4 British Columbia Doctors LIED. All Doctors are familiar with the 5 Axis  Diagnosis of a Forensic Psychiatric Report. Axis 5 or V,  the GAF Score is the most important part of a report of this prestigious Forensic Psychiatric Record, where a very miss of me being put into an Asylum or Mental Institution is CLEARLY IDENTIFIED and DOCUMENTED. All Doctors would have to acknowledge the absence of Axis 1V and Axis V, The GAF Score. LINK πŸ‘‰ THE GAF SCORE THE SOLE PURPOSE OF A PSYCHIATRIC EVALUATION, MORE SO WHERE IT WAS DOCUMENT THAT AN ASSINGMENT WAS GIVEN TO HAVE A CANADIAN CITIZEN COMMITTED UNDER THE MENTAL HELTH ACT...ALL FIVE AXIS POINTS MUST EXIST

NO GAF SCORE ON EITHER VERSION = BOTH VERSIONS ARE FORGERIES... I cannot be Proved Wrong on that FORGERY CALL on TWO versions.  It May even get worse, with my December 2019 discovery. That I never even underwent a Forensic Psychiatric Evaluation, a fact that I was MADE believe by The CUPE National and UBC / HR. Now from December 2019 I am looking at the probably of an IMPOSTER impersonating a Forensic Psychiatrist. As in The President of The CUPE National.  

This was the Version that in August 2007 both Dr. Robert Vroom from The College Of Physicians and Surgeons and Dr. Elizabeth Zoffmann approved as 100% truth and authentic. This version was used by The CUPE National's Dianne Jolly to expel me from CUPE for NON Belief. This version was also used from July 2008 by UBC / HR'S Lindi Frost to take me to my THRID Psychiatric Evaluation performed by UBC Psychiatrist Dr. Alan Buchanan. This THIRD Psychiatric Evaluation was on June 04, 2009. Dr. Alan Buchanan would rule this version as NON Existent and my belief in Version 1 as Factor of my continued Mental Illness by me. Buchanan Threatens MORE Psychiatric evaluations on me to follow beyond 2009 if I continue to believe in the existence of a Version 1 BELOW. πŸ‘‡.
VERSION 1. Issued and used as true on December 06, 2006 by The CUPE Nationals Diane Jolly. On August 2007 all Medical and Criminal Content confirmed as TRUE by The British Columbia College Of Physicians and Surgeons Dr. Robert Vroom and UBC Forensic Psychiatrist Dr. Elizabeth Zoffmann. Used as TRUE by my own Doctor (Name withheld for now). All Medical and Criminal Content USED as true by UBC / HR'S Lindi Frost.






When I questioned the TWO Differently Formatted Versions. The CUPE National refused point blank to discuss this. They withdrew there representation leaving me in the hands of UBC / HR's Lindi Frost.  Frost was planning what was to be my Third Of Three Psychiatric Evaluations, with a UBC Psychiatrist of her choice "Dr. Alan Buchanan UBC Clinical Professor. The only Medical Evidence to support the start of this CHARADE, by Lindi Frost was these two CUPE National Forensic Legal Medical Documents that were being used as TRUE MEDICAL EVIDENCE. 

The ASSINGMENT given by Frost for this Psychiatric Evaluation was to make ONE Version DISAPEAR. Dr. Alan Buchanan did threaten that MORE Evaluations were to follow if I continued to believe in two versions and in the Corruptions of the FORENSIC Medical Documents.

NOTE: in BOTH Documents the DIAGNOSIS is NOT as what is demanded Globally. BOTH CUPE VERSIONS were CORRUPTIONS...

VERSION 2. After release by the CUPE Nationals Dianne Jolly on July 11, 2008, this version was taken by me in mid July to Doctor Robert Vroom at British Columbia College Of Physicians and Surgeons. Dr. Robert Vroom did NOT support the CUPE Nationals second release. His response was "it is not the College's Jurisdiction to investigate documents issued by your Union". Version 2 NOT supported by The British Columbia College Of Physicians and Surgeons. On January 16, 2009 Christina Ulveteg would release the exact same document. UBC / HR'S Linda Frost had fully supported BOTH versions, and from mid July 2008 was frantically setting up my THIRD Psychiatric Evaluation to be performed by UBC'S Dr. Alan Buchanan on June 04,2009.
VERSION # 2. πŸ‘‡Proving the unlikelihood that this was written by a Top British Columbia FORENSIC Psychiatrist. 
Notes below each page.
1A. Assuming a true document Dr. Zoffmann returns my Forensic Psychiatric Medical / Criminal Report 0n June 12, 2001 to Mr. Michael H. Korbin a top Vancouver Lawyer. 
1B. Assuming a true document Dr. Zoffmann gets of the Evaluation date wrong it was May 25, 2001, NOT on a SUNDAY as in Sunday March 25, 2001 as clearly documented. So Michael Korbin receives a copy approximately 16 or 17 days after the Forensic Evaluation on me. I receive my OFFICIAL copy on January 16. 2009. Almost 7 1/2 years later. What were UBC, Dr. Zoffmann, UBC'S Counsel and CUPE HIDING? With a 7 1/2 year delivery, there for absolute certain all parties did NOT want myself or family members to access. that would be STRIKE 1, if IMPORTANT and CRITICAL medical information was HIDDEN, as the Medical content by law belonged to me.  

2A. Dr. Zoffmann claims FULL responsibility for this report, well both differently formatted versions.
2B. Item 4 was my "ONE" RUDE E-Mail sent on the evening of March 13, 2001  of to The CUPE Local 116 President in frustration. For this I was to be Committed under the Mental Health Act.
2C. Item 5 was my apology E-mail in written in the morning of March 14 2001. I also documented that I had enough of CUPE and was planning on leaving.
2D. Other items include my LRB Note March 23rd. You can imagine how I lost. Probably a letter from CUPE reference to me being Committed under the Mental Health Act ffs.
2E. NOTE nothing from my Utilities Management or Co Workers.

3A. Item 16 there was NO Website. There was 20 or so pages of mainly CUPE Aggression. 

3B. History of Conflict paragraph 3. I accused my UBC Manager of lying to WCB. My Manager was FIRED for that LIE. 

3C. All the rest is near true. 
3D. How can it be said as overvalued beliefs, with no follow up.
4A. Mostly true up to paragraph 5. The Death Threats by Wilson WERE fully supported by my UBC Utilities Co Workers and by my UBC Utilities Managers. Wilson would be suspended in early 2000, returning on February 2001. Also given a clean slate by UBC AVP Lisa Castle. Both my UBC Utilities Co Workers and Management would BAN him from even entering our Utilities Department.
4B.From VERSION #1 it is pretty clear that at least the CUPE National had this report on and Electronic Format. Editing OUT is 100% clear, with 4A. Editing IN is highly likely.     

5A. Assuming the document is true in the first complete paragraph Dr. Zoffmann mentions my report to the LRB being lengthy and disorganized. At that point in 2001 the only one person who had left the University was my Manager Nick B. the guy who LIED to WCB. By the summer 2006 when I believe the document was FORGED many had left the University.
5B. The Second and Third Complete paragraph. Important but by far not the most important. YES on march 13, 2001 through sheer frustration I did send a rude E-Mail to The UBC CUPE Local 116 President. It was wrong of me, I had had too much to drink. The following morning I sent an apology E-Mail, within this March 14 E-Mail I had said, I had had enough of the BS, and I was giving up and getting out of UBC.
5C. The Fourth Paragraph Zoffmann refers to my E-Mail with apology.
5D. In the last paragraph of this document going into the first paragraph on page 6. Doctor Zoffmann fails to mention the fact for my rude "ONE" Rude E-Mail the CUPE Local 116 Executive make a desperate effort to have me CRIMINALLY Convicted via the UBC RCMP Detachment. I am summoned by the UBC RCMP, I tell my side of the story, the case is thrown out. NO Criminal Charges were laid. The CUPE Local 116 Executive FAIL. CUPE Now desperate to convict.         
NOTE at this point in time, from the beginning of my troubles there had been ZERO intervention by UBC / HR. 
5E. For this ONE Rude E-Mail it will become apparent that I am to be Committed Under The Mental Health Act. This can not be done via the The CUPE Local 116 Executive. UBC / HR were NEVER seen in the foreground. Bigger FISH have to be now on Board, as per The CUPE National. In later years from 2002 it becomes apparent that the CUPE National had unconstitutionally pushed the CUPE Local 116 Executive to the side, and in fact were running this Shit Show.
5F. Zoffmann documents my believe that myself and family were in physical danger. Well this wasn't really a strong belief. However from 4A the guy who was making the DEATH TREATS at UBC. The CUPE Local 116 Executive had appointed a 5 man Committee against me. As I said my UBC Utilities Coworkers and Management would rally behind me to DEFEAT The CUPE Local 116 Executive and there 5 man Committee. Would the bad guy retaliate against me and family members. Lets just say CUPE put me and my family in the line of fire. 
NOTE in early 2006 two of this CUPE Local 116 Executive would commit suicide. Also a CUPE Secretary who I was working with against CUPE, would DISSAPEAR. See Main Story in LINK above.  

6A. This IRA Graffiti was 100% real. It was an nothing deal, on the walkway by my house in Burnaby written by kids I heard. I believe I mentioned it as casual conversation to co workers. But Zoffmann wouldn't know about this. This happened in early 2006. Zoffmann said she interviewed me on SUNDAY March 25, 2001. As in 1A of Zoffmann to get the DATE of the Evaluation wrong, now she is inserting content that didn't happen until 5 YEAR'S LATER.
6B.Clincal Review the rest of this page is absolute BS.TBC
7A.Clinical Review First paragraph, more BS. But more content from the future. After April 2002 a year after the Zoffmann Evaluation. Well at the time I presented the Financial Motive The CUPE National was branding me as a terrorist.
7B. Clinical Review Second Paragraph BS.

7C. Third Paragraph "He denies people are trying to read his mind" That is a stupid statement, who was trying to read my mind. She documents people are trying to get me hooked up in a violent situation. Go back to 5F and the 5 Man CUPE Committee set against me in an attempt to have me incarcerated. Also this Forensic Psychiatric Evaluation there is a given assignment for me to be committed under the mental health act, as you are about to witness.

7D. Clinical Review Fourth Paragraph about my wife telling me to let things go. My E Mail to UBC / HR on March 14 2001. I was fed up with the CUPE BS, I was getting ready to Quit. I wouldn't even be allowed the privilege. On March 30 2001 suspended with pay awaiting this Zoffmann Evaluation.
7E. Clinical Review Fifth Paragraph "Mr Steward describes himself as a binge drinker". Who the fuck is Mr. Steward. Nobody describes themself as a Binge Drinker BS. She states that I will drink 6 to 8 pints a night which would be 42 to 56 pints per week. She states my drinking has increased to 24 to 34 pints per week. Name spelled wrong, simple math calculation wrong. This is NOT a clever lady, or 2006  FORGER a bit of a dumb ass.
7F. Clinical review last two paragraphs. Zoffmann is referring to the rude E-Mail I sent on March 13, 2001 under the influence of alcohol. My March 14, 2001 E-Mail was an apology, and I was leaving UBC. Again The CUPE Local 116 Executive attempted to lay Criminal Charges against me for this, which FAILED. Continuing with the Evaluation you are going to witness that after this FAILURE by the CUPE Local 116 Executive that the CUPE National stepped in giving Dr. Elizabeth Zoffmann the authority to have me Committed Under The Mental Health Act.   
8A.Prior Psychiatric History. Zoffmann clearly states NONE. 
8B. Family Psychiatric History. Zoffmann clearly states NONE.
8C. Medical History some High Blood Pressure I would bet caused by the CUPE Bull Shit. She mentions my family Doctor as Dr. Dimarchie I am pretty sure a prodigy of UBC .
8C. Personal History. From Glasgow Scotland, nothing unusual.

9A.  Personal History Continued.
Lots of very very stuff all reasonably in the normal life struggles as a worker. But again who the fuck is Mr. Steward 
9B. ALL BULLSHIT. Who was actually conducting this Evaluation. Judy Darcy.
10A. Personal history more very very repeating and for the third time who is Mr. Steward. It is becoming evident that this was not written by a FORENSIC Psychiatrist who is on board with both the The Medical and Criminal Justice System of British Columbia.
NOTE  Mental Status Evaluation now we are getting into the nitty gritty. Dr. Elizabeth Zoffmann who cant even spell my name right and gets the Date of the evaluation wrong, and puts her name to the two differently formatted versions. All she has on me is that ONE Rude E-Mail written on the evening of March 13, 2001 in frustration and under the influence of alcohol. An apology e-mail written on the morning of March 14, 2001, with my getting out dodge request, which would not be honored. For this ONE E-Mail there comes evidence of an Assignment given to Dr. Zoffmann to have me committed under the Mental Health Act.
10B. Mental Status Evaluation first paragraph. "Mr. Steward wasn't very punctual". Now Zoffmann has again spelled my name wrong. Mr. Stewart was punctual though, I was at least 20 mins before the Evaluation, she LIED with that statement. 
10C. Now Dr. Zoffmann is gearing up to show me as extremely unstable and mentally ill in her last paragraph she again delves into the future with the 2006 IRA Graffiti that was written by neighborhood kids. 
PAGE 11 NOTES. Mental Status Evaluation Continued.
11A.Again lots of repeating Paragraph 5 He denies he owns any weapons, lets count how many times that REPEATS.
11B. It is pretty evident that Dr. Zoffmann or the FORGER is doing a number on me. I am certainly not looking right in the head. There is my belief that everyone out to get me. 

 PAGE 12 coming up, lets hope things look brighter for me. You will soon be blown away with the absolute FACT, that Dr. Zoffmann with UBC and CUPE National Hierarchy attempt to Murder me. A FACT if what becomes documented is TRUE.    

12A. What is this Axis 1... Axis 11... Axis 111 Its my Differential Diagnosis for heavens sake. Zoffmann or the FORGER has omitted Axis 1V and Axis V The GAF Score. ONLY the very most important part of my life long Forensic Psychiatric Medical / Criminal Record. Axis V the GAF Score would be the first part of the Forensic Psychiatric Psychiatric Medical / Criminal Report that a cross examining Medical of Criminal Annalist would review. This is Medical Proof of FORGERY.  
12B. DIAGNOSIS Third Paragraph. It becomes documented that a FULL Medical and Neurological examination should be given including a CT Scan of the head. WOW. This is now where the FACT of my attempted murder comes in. Going back to Page 1. Zoffmann has issued her Medical and Criminal findings to the Vancouver Law firm on June 12, 2001. The Vancouver Law Firm issues the document to the Client. The Client. UBC/HR or any UBC Hierarchy were never seen to be involved. The involvement was The CUPE Local 116 Executive, who had attempted to give me a Criminal Record and have me incarcerated. However they could not possibly have the clout to work with a Top UBC Forensic Psychiatrist. This would leave the CUPE National, as the first party to release the TWO versions of Dr. Zoffmann's Document. So Zoffmann's client was The CUPE National. However UBC Hierarchy I feel had to be in the background. 
OK. The Client the CUPE National with possibly UBC Hierarchy have Dr. Zoffmann's Medical and Criminal findings on the table at three days after the Vancouver Law Firm. Say in the week of June 15, 2001. Dr. Zoffmann has me documented as one brick short of a load, and has recommended what would be a LIFE DETERMING. Dr. Zoffmann, the CUPE National with perhaps UBC Hierarchy MUST make contact with myself and family members. If I had DIED it would have been Murder at The University Of British Columbia. The guilty party those who had access to MY medical content. You wont believe, but it gets worse.     

13A. Lets start with the last paragraph first. "Unfortunately, Mr. Stewart does not quite meet the criteria for certification under the Mental Health Act".
Zoffmann has given proof of an assignment or request from the client who I have identified as The CUPE National, it would have to be the President Judy Darcy. Proof of BIAS.
She has documented me as borderline insane so very seriously ill, this combined with her suspicion of owning weapons which she will continue to emphasis to be found by collateral means. 4 times this is repeated, actually recounting 6 times.



Proving the FORGERY of BOTH Versions.

1.There cannot be TWO Versions of any Legal Document, it is 100% Clear that there is.
2. On a Legal Document in this case a Forensic Psychiatric Medical / Criminal Report. NO Error, NO Deletions or Additions are allowed by Law. Error is Evident (Explained Later). Deletions Evident in Version ONE. Additions not Evident but likely as we continue.
3. No signature.
4 Version  #1 for certain has been tampered with, so a violation of the Law is CONFIRMED. The First FORGERY.

VERSION # 1 is a proved FORGERY, used as TRUE by The CUPE Nationals Dianne Jolly, UBC / HR'S Lindi Frost, UBC Forensic Psychiatrist Dr. Elizabeth Zoffmann, The British Columbia College Of Physicians and Surgeons Dr. Robert Vroom, my past family Doctor (Name withheld for privacy reasoning.) Also UBC Psychiatrist Dr. Alan Buchanan who DENIED the existence of VERSION # 1, and THREATENED continued Psychiatric Evaluations to continue beyond 2009 if I continued to believe in its existence.